Interested in seeing what I can do with the camera?

Hopefully I've enticed you enough with the images you've seen to explore a little further into my growing portfolio, or you landed here by complete chance. Either way, by now you should know I'm having fun with this endeavor. My camera allows me to showcase our everyday surroundings in a different light, attempting to bring out their inherent beauty. 

Woohoo,You've gotten this far!

Earth is an awe-inspiring place. Sometimes we need to stop and just enjoy it. These moments moved me, I hope you enjoy too!


Baltimore is where I'm from. It holds a special place in my heart. No matter how bleak it may look at times, Baltimore is a proud city, full of amazing history (it's seriously not just Murder, though we do excel at that!). I only hope my ability to showcase my fair city here does it a tiny bit of justice it rightfully deserves. 

Washington DC

The images you find in here are from the 2015 Cherry Blossom Festival...a.k.a. the last place you ever want to go if you have A. Fear of Crowds; B. Dislike Small (hardly supervised) Children; C. A Desire to Explore DC. I was pleased with the images I got and have no plans to return for it. Ever. 

*side note, I have no fear of crowds, love kids, and enjoy exploring DC. This "event" made me question all those things. 

Topsail Island, NC

I was happily introduced to Topsail Island by wife in 2012. I, like so many others, instantly fell in love. Think everything charming about the Outer Banks 15+ years ago without everything it is now. Every day provides a palette of colors you have to see to believe. I'm still trying to find a location that offers a bad image (4 years and a couple hundred spots down). 

Like What you See?

Want to Adorn Your Walls with My Images? Help me put my new baby through college 1 print at a time. At this rate they might have 1 semester of community college paid for by 2060!

Questions, Comments, Concerns?

Full disclosure. While I am not adverse to shooting people/events (portraits, head shots, parties, weddings, family gatherings...etc), I have little experience in it. If you're willing to be a guinea pig, I'd be happy to entertain your needs.